We have been living in Turku without a car for 5 months and we appreciate the extensive bus system. The Turku map on the web site *has a feature that helps you figure out what bus to take or you can look at the map at the back of the timetable. The buses all end up in the kauppatori. That is convenient to remember when your panicky daughter phones you from the wrong bus.
Above is the Forum shopping center across from the kauppatori. The bus office is inside and you can purchase passes that last for a month or two months. The bus driver can load money on your card as well. It is 2.50 euroa for one ride, but during the summer that ticket is good for two hours.
We went skiing by bus, swimming by bus, to the islands by bus. Our daughter rode the bus to school every day. There are no school buses. Most children ride the buses to school and it can be jarring for Americans to see small children getting on and off buses on their own without a parent hovering near by.
To enhance the excellent local transportation there is also the train and the regional bus station that includes a bus directly to the Helsinki airport.
I must add to this post that strollers or baby buggies (and the person pushing) travel for FREE! The adult pushing the buggy enters the bus at the middle door and it is not convenient or safe to pay the bus driver. As long as your child is in a stroller you and your child do not pay for the ride.
*Change the language to English in the top right corner. Then click on the drop down menu "Guidemap" at the left and choose bus routes.
I AM GETTING TIRED of the bad news, and of being bombarded daily by it!
The US isn't the same country it used to be! I love it BUT I also want to be and feel safe
Aren´t things now getting quite dangerous in many ways for us?
Inside our own country: Fear of terrorists attacks and rising crime is now becoming frightening...
The relation that the US has with some countries is becoming very hostile and is fast becoming Very Dangerous.
Think about North Korea, Iran , ISIS, ETA, AL Qaeda and others…
This is Adding An Enormous Amount Of Stress To An Already Stressful Life and this is not healthy for us.
We think to ourselves 'we've got to treat ourselves better. We deserve to live in a quiet place, less anxious and experience a normal life.'
That’s right ! And you're not alone if you feel this way.
The view of life inside the US is very different from many other parts of the world… and it seems to be getting worse.
BUT some countries are peaceful and hardly even aware of these situations.
In reality there are places that we can live and enjoy life the way we deserve to live.
For instance, Peru in particular, is not far away and yet is a peaceful, democratic, beautiful and for the most part, inexpensive country.
When you listen to the news in Peru, it’s almost always about internal issues, and very seldom do you get the feeling that life on earth is about to end.
There are no world wars to worry about and the 'weight' of bad news seems so much farther away.
Has it ever crossed your mind to move to a quiet city in Peru? No? Well perhaps it should!
In the last decade there has been a substantial increase in the number of American, Canadian and European expats taking up residency in Peru and loving it! Most people never want to leave.
Consider buying a piece of land close to Machu Picchu in the Urubamba Valley for instance, or in the mountains of Peru or in the jungle or Why not in the more than 1500 miles of beautiful beaches in Peru?
There are a lot of very quiet cities that are already getting a number of American and European expats that are absolutely LOVING it. Why not you?
Interested? Write to us: expats@TerrenosEnElPeru.com
Have a look at the many properties available for you at www.TerreneosEnElPeru.com
If you want to see even more, contact us, and we will find you your dream property.