Saturday, July 24, 2010

Hanging out at the family kesa mokki!

I am in "Oh Canada" resting on the shores of the beautiful Washademoak. All we really need here is a sauna! I have learned that someone in the village makes saunas for export to Massachusetts, but I don't know that I can talk the powers that be into constructing a sauna on the point.

I learned from a friend in Turku that all guests who visit President Halonen are served a non-alcoholic rhubarb drink. That I can try to provide here in NB. Maybe Crampagne from Motts Landing Vineyard will suffice!

My Canadian-Finnish connection is the fact that Sami Salo, a native of Turku who plays hockey for the Canucks, is out of commission due to a training injury..although sources say he was playing "floor hockey".

What he was actually playing is, I suspect, salibandy. Chris played salibandy every Thursday while we were in Finland. He was never injured. I will add some salibandy pictures to this post when I am home in the Granite State.

Check back for some kesa mokki pictures after our makkara and olut dinner tonight.

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